In this clip, Minna plays with Adelaide and her brothers. Women and girls had different social expectations placed upon them in comparison to their male counterparts. Opportunities to access education and employment were very different between the sexes.
- Generate discussion about gender roles today. What are the expectations that families and society have of males and females, particularly children?
- Ask students to research how girls and boys of Minna's time in the 1860s were expected to behave. The following website may be useful:
The Victorian Web, 'Victorian Social History: An Overview',
- Compare how these expectations differ from the way young people are expected to act today.
- Conduct a 'freeze-frame' activity where students take on a character from a particular era and when the teacher walks around the room and touches their shoulder, the student talks about their life in character.
- Students should make a list comparing the social expectations of boys and girls in Minna's era. As a class, compile a large list using each student's research.
- Using the class list as inspiration, create a 'good manners' guide for boys and girls living in1868.
Student Activity Sheet H15.6: Different gender roles